Living in History

By Patrick Carmody, Museum Educator

The staff of Mosaic, Jekyll Island Museum live and breathe history every day. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that some tour guides have stepped into the role of the very historical figures they speak about. Mosaic has offered several dynamic living history programs over the years that have seen a growing interest from visitors. The roles are varied in style and charisma, with interpreters finding a personal connection to these historical figures. Perhaps a similarity in life story, a fascination with that person’s life, or maybe an appreciation for what they accomplished in life, each guide finds a way to bring that character to life.

One of the most vibrant living history characters portrayed has been Ernest Grob, Club Superintendent for the Jekyll Island Club for 42 years beginning in 1889. In tours surrounding his life, the stories told by Mr. Grob would refer often to the work being done in and around the district under his watchful eye.  Ernest Grob may seem niche as a historic figure, but his impact on Jekyll Island in the Club era was immense.  Letters regarding daily life, operational needs, and complaints paint life on the Island in a very colorful manner. The character has been portrayed by Will Story, Museum Manager as part of the Gilded Age Ghosts and Ghouls program offered each Fall.

Women’s history month in March depicts another unique perspective showcasing Jean Struthers of Moss Cottage. Emily Robertson, former Lead Interpreter of Mosaic, brought Jean to life and entertained guests in Moss Cottage with tales of life at the Club. She shared gossip surrounding herself, friends she had on Jekyll Island, what was happening out in the world of the early turn of the century, and her family’s personal history at this world-renowned vacation destination.  Mrs. Struthers also appeared most recently in an after-hours program where she is having a conversation about current events with her neighbor Joseph Pulitzer.

Under the guise of checking in on the Indian Mound Cottage, Mr. J.P. Morgan Jr., or Jack as he preferred to those who knew him well, strutted the lawn of the Sans Souci once again. J.P. Morgan Jr. was after all, President of the Club in that time period, so it made sense for him to be browsing about and checking on the furniture and buildings progress. Jack’s history was particularly a strong fascination as the result of tour guide Tim Maki, who conducted extensive research into the role as well as shaved his beard to match the accuracy of Jack’s appearance. Jack’s history was celebrated with a program as a part of the lobby exhibit at that time, the Morgan Family Spotlight which you can read about more here.

The support of the Jekyll Island Foundation and Friends of Coastal Georgia History allow us to step back into the ages that came before our own.  For the tour guides at Mosaic, the past comes to life from the pages of history. Visitors to the Island are able to experience the rich history when guides don their period attire and take on these larger-than-life roles. To partner with the historic resources team to bring history to life, click HERE.

Diamondback Terrapin Nesting Season – Coming to a Close

Information provided by Davide Zailo, GSTC Research Program Manager

Final Update – July 26, 2024

  • First Terrapin Encounter: May 1, 2024
  • Most recent terrapin encounter: July 21, 2024 – 10:19 am
  • Total encounters: 492
  • Number of Unique Individual Terrapins:  ~ 393
    • Terrapins can nest multiple times per year. GSTC teams recaptured two terrapins, four times this season, and 27 individuals were captured at least twice this season.
  • Terrapins alive, uninjured: 388 (79%)
  • Terrapins hit by car: 104 (21%)
    • 10 undergoing rehabilitation at the Georgia Sea Turtle Center
    • 248 eggs saved from 50 hit-by-car terrapins. These eggs are currently being incubated. 70 have hatched.

* Remember that swerving to miss terrapins and/or exiting a vehicle to assist a terrapin are both significant hazards, and you should prioritize your own safety on the road. Should you see a terrapin, or have a concern, please alert GSTC staff directly using the Terrapin Hotline at 912-270-8865.


Thank you for your support and assistance during this busy season!

With the overwhelming majority of terrapin nesting complete, the Georgia Sea Turtle Center (GSTC) is calling an official end to a successful 2024 Diamondback terrapin nesting season. In the coming weeks, an occasional nesting female may be found, and hatching will be occurring in nests along the causeway. Some of the hatchlings will dig their way out immediately; others will remain approximately six inches underground and emerge as winter is ending.

Since 2007, GSTC has worked to quantify and mitigate terrapin road mortality. Throughout the nesting season of May through July, GSTC staff regularly monitor the causeway to perform a census of the terrapins.

Injured animals receive treatment at the GSTC Hospital, while uninjured individuals are uniquely marked and released away from the road. These marked terrapins are key to understanding the proportion of the nesting population which succumbs to road mortality, and the information is used to assess whether the population is growing, stable, or declining.

A little history about Davide Zailo….

Between 2014-2016 Davide was awarded a student assistantship at the Georgia Sea Turtle Center while working towards a master’s degree in Conservation Ecology and Sustainable Development at the University of Georgia’s Odum School of Ecology. During his assistantship, which was funded by JIF and a Coastal Incentive Grant from GDNR via NOAA, Zailo studied the movements and behavior of priority turtle species on Jekyll. Support from JIF donors funded the purchase of much-needed research equipment including a drone and GPS tracking equipment. The drone and GPS methods Zailo produced have been utilized by researchers studying a variety of wildlife throughout North America. After a brief stint with the Georgia DNR in winter 2020-2021 working with North Atlantic Right Whales, Davide returned to the GSTC and is currently the Center’s Research Program Manager, leading a staff of eight research technicians.

Flora and Fauna

Joseph Colbert CWB®, Wildlife Biologist & Yank Moore, Director of Conservation

As spring moves into summer, plant growth is in full swing and sun-loving flowers are in bloom. The causeway pollinator plantings are no exception. Careful planning of species selection by Jekyll Island Authority’s (JIA) conservation staff gives an array of color combinations that will continue to change, flourish, and bloom. Throughout the year, these beauties provide a fresh and unique color palette for every season along with different flower shapes, heights, and sizes.

Spring has enjoyed a great production of spiderworts, phlox, primroses, and blanket flowers which provide an appealing medley of rich blue, white, red, and pink flowers. Moving into warmer months, plains coreopsis, black and brown-eyed susans, and a second flush of blanket flowers will yield various shapes and sizes of yellow and orange.   

Visitors and residents have expressed positive feedback and gratitude for the attractive and colorful native plants that grow and bloom along the causeway. Of course, no one is more grateful than the bees, beetles, butterflies, and a variety of other pollinators who gather nectar, pollen, and other critical resources for their survival. These seemingly insignificant ‘bugs’ play a critical role in plant life survival along with helping to provide summer favorites such as berries, summer vegetables, and melons. JIA’s conservation staff is pleased to help nurture such a valuable resource that appeals both to people and the diverse wildlife that call Jekyll Island home.

This project supports JIA’s mission of responsible preservation, maintenance, and care of wildlife diversity. We are grateful to the generous donors of the Jekyll Island Foundation for helping to make this possible.

To give to conservation projects that help restore habitats and contribute to the ecological enhancement of wildlife diversity on Jekyll Island, click HERE.

Exhibits of Hollybourne’s Future

by Patrick Carmody, Museum Educator

Hollybourne Cottage has experienced continued improvement each season through ongoing preservation efforts aimed at maintaining its unique tabby structure. Andrea Marroquin, curator, and Taylor Davis, preservationist, of the Jekyll Island Authority (JIA), along with a dedicated team of volunteers, have been actively engaged in various preservation projects on Hollybourne Cottage. In addition to these endeavors, many noteworthy achievements have been realized through a multi-department design project, led by the Historic Resources team.

Work on the Hollybourne Cottage exhibits began in 2022 when the JIA commissioned HW Exhibits to draw a conceptual design. Currently, the historic resources team is working on exhibit planning and development to flesh out the concept into a fully-fledged exhibit design plan. From this plan, the team will move forward with bringing these designs to life. With assistance from Jekyll Island Foundation donors, new exhibits will be created for the first floor of Hollybourne Cottage that elaborate on its history, the Maurice Family, their staff, and the unique architecture of the cottage itself.

To interpret Hollybourne for the public, engaging displays have been meticulously planned to exhibit details tied to Hollybourne with its extensive history. One way the new space will portray the varied aspects of the site is with a 2D model of the front of Hollybourne. With this display, guests can move panels to reveal more information about the Maurices, the architecture, and preservation efforts among other facts about the structure and its history. The original cabinets will be restored and feature information on the meals served in Hollybourne, fine china, and recipes for drinks like Cordials and Roman Punch. This project is scheduled to be completed in 2025.

To partner with the historic resources team, helping to preserve these unique spaces for future generations, click HERE.

Meet Our Board: Christie Kinsey

It only took one visit to Jekyll Island for Christie to fall in love. It was 1976 when she first crossed the then draw bridge and saw the welcome sign to the little island that would change her life. Her cousins had moved here from New York and prompted the visit. “The beaches, the history, the wildlife, the bike paths, the oaks, the ocean – it all fueled my desire to live here one day.”

Christie longed for the island life. “From biking around to playing tennis in the Morgan Center [formerly an indoor tennis court], I thought this was paradise!” She visited as often as possible, trading in the mountains of West Virginia for the sandy beaches of Georgia whenever she could – each visit refueling her commitment to one day fulfil her dream of calling Jekyll Island home.

In 1990, she gave the island an even bigger piece of her heart, marrying her husband Tim at the historic Faith Chapel. They filled the church with their immediate family members and their cousins’ friends from around the island, saying “I do” in the beautiful light shimmering through the [one-of-a-kind Tiffany Studios] stained-glass windows.  

In 2015, Christie and Tim celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary with a visit to the island in search of the perfect cottage or home to purchase. “We bought our house on North Riverview Drive that week and the excitement began!” Christie still remembers the butterflies she got when they signed the closing paperwork, realizing her dream was becoming a reality. They made the move from West Virginia and began turning the house into their perfect home with some extensive remodeling. By 2020, Georgia had become their permanent resident state.

With the move, Christie knew she wanted to be involved in two things: the Jekyll Island Arts Association and the Jekyll Island Foundation (JIF). Having served on various boards during her career as a Financial Advisor with Northwestern Mutual, she knew the integral role that foundations have in the success of an organization. After getting involved with the Jekyll Island Foundation, she realized the immense impact philanthropy has on their beloved island, helping to fund important island initiatives and projects for the Jekyll Island Authority (JIA).

Since she’s been on the JIF board, Christie and her husband have adopted a cabbage palm tree at Faith Chapel in honor of her cousins, The Bromsteds, who first brought her to Jekyll. They’ve installed a bench in memory of their parents and planted live oaks in memory of her sisters. They’ve also been involved in the Muhly Grass restoration project, as well as the bat boxes and Chimney Swift towers projects. “The Foundation is the vehicle through which donors can help make a positive impact on the present and future of this unique place,” Christie explains.

Everyone has their own preferences when it comes to their perfect paradise, but Christie believes this little island off the coast of Georgia is one of our country’s best kept secrets. While many of her friends have chosen to retire to other beach towns along the coast, she believes the reason Jekyll will always remain the best is that it will always keep its peaceful, as-is charm, knowing it will never be overdeveloped. And working with a board that shares that vision is one of the things she loves most. “The best part about Jekyll Island is its commitment to maintaining a balance between nature and humans. The Foundation’s mission to raise funds to help conserve and preserve the Island as we know it is the primary reason I wanted to be involved as a donor and Board Member.” 

It’s been almost 50 years since Christie made her first memories on Jekyll Island, adding to them along the way with collecting shells, admiring the spectacular sunsets, getting a glimpse of the occasional alligator, or spending dinnertime crabbing in the backwash areas. Over the years, her adoration for this place has only grown. “Every day my love for Jekyll and my passion for its future increases.” She loves the life she and her husband have built here, enjoying everything the island has to offer and vowing to continue giving to it even more, offering her time and resources to be a positive piece of Jekyll Island’s ongoing progress.

Unearthing Loggerhead Nesting Mysteries

By Davide Zailo, GSTC Research Program Manager

Studying the management and conservation needs of loggerhead sea turtles on Jekyll Island is the responsibility of the research department of the Jekyll Island Authority’s Georgia Sea Turtle Center (GSTC). Each spring the GSTC is proud to continue their work with these iconic species and continue one of the oldest loggerhead nesting beach projects in the world.

Thanks to generous support from Jekyll Island Foundation donors, utility terrain vehicles (UTVs) allow researchers on nighttime beach patrol to cover a large expanse of beach in order to maximize the chances of encountering as many adult, reproductive, loggerhead turtles on Jekyll.

Recently, the Foundation provided monetary support to assist with the University of Georgia’s (UGA) Loggerhead Genetics Project. This funding will enable researchers to continue collecting skin biopsies and one single egg from loggerheads nesting on Jekyll. The DNA contained in the skin biopsies and eggs provides crucial information that collaborators at UGA will use to identify these animals. In the case of the egg, researchers removing  one egg from each nest will help identify the animal even if it is not directly encountered. The skin biopsy allows GSTC research collaborators to test methods by double-checking that genetic material from a skin biopsy matches that of an egg from the same parent.

This multi-state genetics project led by UGA helps answer critical questions such as: how many nests these animals lay each year and where and how frequently they nest. Currently, the actual number of loggerhead sea turtles that nest along the Atlantic seaboard from Virginia to northern Florida (an area known as the Northern Recovery Unit for loggerhead turtles) is not known. By continuing this work, the GSTC research team are contributing to one of the most robust nesting loggerhead sea turtle datasets worldwide.

These efforts are made possible through funding received from the Jekyll Island Foundation. For more than 14 years, the Foundation has supported GSTC Research efforts through funding equipment and tools necessary to do their job.

Please join us in kicking off the start of Sea Turtle Season by taking part in the annual Turtle Crawl event on April 27,  2024, at the Jekyll Island Beach Village. Participants may choose between a 10K, 5K, 1K Fun Run or even a ‘Virtual” Ghost Crawler. This fundraiser serves as a way for dedicated patrons to support the Center and has raised over $163,000 since its inception.

Can’t come to the event but still wish to support sea turtles? Follow THIS LINK to give directly to the Center.

Thank you again for your continued support.

Meet Our Donors: Joel and Rosemary McElhannon

Worth the Drive: Fifteen Years of Family Visits to Jekyll

The drive from home in Athens, Georgia, to Jekyll Island is nearly three hundred miles for the McElhannon family—usually a full five hours in the car. But once Joel and Rosemary and their daughters, Maryn and Cora, reach the shores of Jekyll Island, the road trip becomes just a distant memory. The family hears the soft waves of the Atlantic, smells the distinct salty air, and sees the shimmering sand around them. Time on Jekyll is always worth the effort of the trip.

For the McElhannons, a visit to Jekyll Island means they’re coming back to a place where so many happy life memories and moments unfolded and where so many more are ready to be created. 

It All Started at the Chapel

Though not Jekyll natives, the McElhannons started their life together on this pristine island when Joel proposed to Rosemary in August 2008, right inside the historic Faith Chapel. Since 1904, Jekyll’s Faith Chapel has hosted hundreds of blissful unions, and the McElhannons chose to say their vows in this beautiful little building. The cypress-shingle ceiling, heart pine wood floors, and Tiffany studio stained-glass window created a warm, intimate setting for the ceremony.

After their chapel wedding in February 2009, Joel and Rosemary enjoyed an elegant reception at the historic Crane Cottage down the road, and even made their first donations as a family to the Jekyll Island Foundation and the Georgia Sea Turtle Center in honor of their wedding guests.

History to Enjoy Together Now

Since 2009, the family’s adventures on Jekyll Island have continued, combined with personal investment in this island paradise. Spending time together in this place has always been a priority—Joel and Rosemary are bringing their girls along to celebrate their fifteenth wedding anniversary at Jekyll this year. And they’ve donated regularly to the various initiatives of the Jekyll Island Foundation to help make sure that they and others can continue to enjoy this favorite vacation spot.

“We have always been very involved in supporting historic preservation projects,” Rosemary explained. “And we believe it is important to be stewards of the past—to pass it on to future generations. Jekyll Island has so much history, such a legacy, but few people know about it!”

On a recent trip to Jekyll, Joel and Rosemary asked their girls what they loved most about Jekyll, and they had no trouble answering: bike riding, Driftwood Beach, fried shrimp, and sea turtles. During Spring Break, they’ve all found weather on Jekyll to be perfect for bike riding and exploring the island. And it has become a tradition for them to enjoy the week with their grandparents, Ned and Claire Harbeson, who have owned property on Jekyll for nearly twenty years.

“The Georgia Sea Turtle Center is a huge draw for the girls,” the McElhannons stated. “Every time they’re on the island, they have to stop by to see the patients. There are few places where you can safely get up close with wildlife, so the center is a great way to teach the girls what it takes to care for the wildlife of the island.”

The girls’ ability to enjoy the natural beauty of the island is another benefit of the family’s Jekyll trips. “I can’t tell you how many hours the girls have spent slowly trolling Sharktooth Beach and Driftwood Beach, bent over at the waist, looking for shells, teeth, and other treasures,” Rosemary explains. “Hours can pass, and they are perfectly content. In this age of screens and videos games, that’s a really incredible thing!”

Meanwhile, Rosemary and Joel love to stroll around the Jekyll Island Historic District to see how things have changed over the years. As the Jekyll Island Foundation celebrates and commemorates its twenty-fifth year, the McElhannons are thankful to be a part of the steady work of raising funds for conservation, preservation, and education initiatives through their charitable giving. “The ongoing preservation efforts make us feel good,” Joel says, “because we know we are part of that effort.”

Mosaic’s Fifth Anniversary!

By Patrick Carmody, Museum Educator

Mosaic, Jekyll Island Museum is turning 5 years old! April 13th marks the anniversary of Mosaic’s grand opening, and what a wonderful museum it is! Mosaic offers guests a peek into the fantastic and elaborate history of the island and the people who have called it their home. To honor all the hard work of the Mosaic staff and the unique ways history has been told and displayed over the past five years, let’s take a trip back to visit all of the lobby exhibits since the former Jekyll Island Club horse stables were reimagined.

The first transitional lobby exhibit opened in the summer of 2020, beginning a tradition of rotating lobby exhibits to greet guests. The first exhibit was entitled “Women’s Suffrage” and offered guests a look into the fight for the 19th amendment and focused on club members like Consuelo Vanderbilt, Katharine Dexter McCormick, Alva Vanderbilt Belmont and Narcissa Cox Vanderlip. Guests were given an interactive element in all of our lobby displays, and voting was at the heart of this experience. Guests voted to assign a name to the newest trolley Mosaic had acquired at the time.

Following Women’s Suffrage, exhibits honoring the servants who worked hard to make vacations at the private Jekyll Island Club special, with exhibits known collectively as “In the Service of Others.” This exhibit had a life-sized version of long-time employee for the Maurice family, Charlie Hill, standing next to an historic carriage. Charlie Hill worked on Jekyll Island for 51 years, serving the Maurice family initially as their Coachman and later getting the role of Caretaker for Hollybourne Cottage. For anyone who would like to see the carriage and Charlie Hill, they are still on display, within the lobby of The Westin Jekyll Island.

One of the of the displays within this lobby exhibition included a family tree of the servants like the Hills, Parlands, and Denegals and how their descendants would work on Jekyll during the Club era and the State era. In the Service of Others championed the hard work done by all the different employees over the decades, and the roles they played in keeping the Jekyll Island experience pristine as the Island shifted from a gilded age winter resort to a year-round state park.

In the Service of Others wasn’t the only display featured in Mosaic’s lobby in 2021. Following In the Service of Others was the Tiffany Centennial. These exhibits celebrated the life and works of Louis Comfort Tiffany, stained glass, and the iconic Tiffany window in Faith Chapel, David Sets Forth Singers before the Lord. A very topical exhibit given that it was the 100th anniversary of the installation of this one-of-a-kind window and the museum wanted guests to engage with the history of Tiffany and the crown jewel of Faith Chapel’s beauty.

The centerpiece of the exhibit was an interactive display utilizing a partially clear version of the Tiffany window with outlines that could be shaded in by colors of all kinds by museum guests. The Tiffany window was put together by both Louis Comfort Tiffany and members of the former Jekyll Island Club to honor the life of original Club President, Frederick Gilbert Bourne.

With three great lobby exhibits to its name, Mosaic had very little room to dazzle, and yet it astounded guests once again in 2022 with two excellent displays of Jekyll Island history:

Fabulous Jekyll Island and Diamond Jubilee! Both displays commemorated the 75th anniversary of Jekyll Island being a state park. The Fabulous Jekyll Island sign greeted guests as they entered the museum and different exhibit panels explored the history of Georgia governor M.E. Thompson, the use of Jekyll Island as a year-round vacation destination, and the stories of people’s lives on Jekyll Island in the early state era.

For the Diamond Jubilee, Mosaic hired Patrick Harsch, a sand sculptor from Clearwater, Florida to create custom artwork from sand. Over the course of several days, Harsch was able to sculpt a sandcastle celebrating Jekyll Island’s 75 years as a Georgia State Park, with specific features recognizing some of the island’s iconic emblems including a sea turtle.

This brings us to 2023 and now 2024, where our lobby currently displays the Morgan Family Spotlight. This lobby presents Jekyll Island locations as spaces on a make-believe monopoly board, with a miniature recreation of the Corsair IV yacht, the Morgan Family silver dining set, a painting of Jane Morgan, and life-sized depictions of J.P. Morgan Senior and Junior.

These exhibits reflect the skills and hard work of Jekyll Island Authority staff who concept, design and install these displays annually to bring the history of Jekyll Island to life for guests. Each one dives further into Jekyll Island’s diverse natural and historical culture. Happy Anniversary Mosaic!

To partner with Jekyll Island Authority’s Historic Resources department as they continue to bring these stories and more to life, click HERE. For more information about or to visit Mosaic, Jekyll Island Museum, click HERE.

Meet Our Board: Del Ross

According to the Oxford definition of the word, an expert is an individual who has a comprehensive and authoritative knowledge of or skill in a particular area. Del Ross is an expert.

More specifically, Ross is an expert in hotel profitability optimization. He serves as the CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) of Hotel Effectiveness, a role in which he has notably reduced labor costs for more than 754,000 hotels. His extensive experience in the hotel industry includes every aspect of the business and a number of branches, including management in distribution channels, sales, customer loyalty and lifecycles, digital marketing, operations and e-commerce. 

Ross also holds multiple patents in the field of marketing technology, has served as conference chairman for Eye for Travel and serves on the board of directors of Lucena Research, a machine learning/artificial intelligence company. 

To boot, he is also a musician who enjoys coaching youth sports as well as entrepreneurial mentoring. He and his wife Jamie, of more than 27 years, reside in Sandy Springs where they have four children, ranging in age from 15 to 25. Oh, and a golden retriever named Charlie.

When his children were young, they vacationed on Jekyll. They loved to bike all over the Island, play on the beach, enjoy [Summer Waves] water park, play miniature golf and croquet, and spent nearly the entire time laughing and smiling at each other. It was magical and peaceful and fun – exactly the kind of getaway their busy family needed. Today, they continue to return again and again, always discovering new things to love about this great treasure in our home state of Georgia.

Ross’ combined hotel and hospitality know-how, paired with his long-time love for Jekyll Island, came together to make the role of board member at the Jekyll Island Foundation a perfect fit.

Del joined the board in 2020.  Prior to his appointment, his family had been regular visitors to the Island for many years and have come to love its beauty, attractions, and history.  His father, Danny Ross, served on the [JIF] Board for 9 years and recommended Del to succeed him.  They served together during Danny’s final year on the Board during which time he imparted much of his perspective and passion for the mission of JIF and its potential to expand its impact.

Del’s passion to serve also stems from the belief that Jekyll Island is a national treasure which has been carefully curated and nurtured by the State of Georgia via the Jekyll Island Authority (JIA), the managing entity. “Over the past 15 years, various state leaders have been wonderful supporters of Jekyll Island and the JIA and have helped prevent runaway development and exploitation even as they have encouraged the economic growth of the Island,” says Ross.

During his tenure, the Foundation has grown and has attracted many new donors, members, sponsors, and key board members. They have also built the groundwork for future efforts. For his part, Del would like to be instrumental in attracting significant donors and sponsors for the Foundation’s efforts and in particular, supporting the efforts to expand the Georgia Sea Turtle Center, a rare gem that serves a vital purpose.

“One of the things I love and respect about Jekyll Island [leadership] is the commitment to growth, while maintaining the authenticity and integrity of its history, simplicity, and natural beauty. [Previous JIA Executive Director Jones Hooks] was a remarkable leader who oversaw a dramatic growth in tourism to the island while at the same time avoiding the commercialization,” says Ross.

Going forward, he “… would love for more people to experience the magic of Jekyll and do so in a way that adds to our [Jekyll Island Foundation] mission of preserving and improving the historical and environmental assets which are unique to the Island,” he said.