Meet Our Board Boog Candler

Barbara Mayo “Boog” Candler 

By Anna Ferguson Hall, Freelance Writer 

Barbara Mayo “Boog” Candler has two very active passions that have run the thread of her life: land and history. Scratch that. Candler has three very active passions that have run the thread of her life: land, history and education. 

As a long-standing member of the Jekyll Island Foundation board, and now gladly serving as the new chairman, Candler has been able to see those three elements supported and thriving. 

Growing up in northern Baltimore on land her family has owned since 1762, she learned first-hand that land and history are important aspects to creating connections to home and developing character. Along with that, she served as a public and private school teacher during her distinguished career, noting that at heart, “I will always be a teacher.” 

Moving her way from Baltimore to Connecticut, and later to South Carolina then to the Atlanta area, Candler has long been invested in seeing the history of her neighborhoods and communities preserved. She seeks to tell the stories the dirt beneath her feet have seen and instill in younger generations the value that historic grounds hold—not only monetarily, but also emotionally and personally. 

So, when she discovered Jekyll Island as refuge from her busy ‘educator’ life, and after being invited five years ago to serve on the Foundation board, she never gave it a second thought – YES! This was an opportunity to further years of classroom education and help the Foundation preserve the history, nature, and legacies held on the island, and to display this information to guests and residents for decades to come. 

“The special thing about Jekyll is, it is all about its history,” she said. “On Jekyll, you can see history. You can touch it, you can feel it, and you can learn from it.” 

In that regard, Candler has her sights set on one major project the Foundation is partnering with the Jekyll Island Authority to support. The Jekyll Island Museum is an opportune place for guests and residents alike to understand the centuries of unique history held on the beaches, in the buildings, and throughout the greenspaces of the island. Creating a new, more modern and updated museum is currently the board’s main focus. Already the Foundation has raised over $3M through the MOSAiC campaign to renovate and repurpose the building has the ability to become. 

Situated in the National Historic Landmark District, the museum is housed in what was once the Jekyll Island Club Stables, built in 1897. The current museum hasn’t seen any substantial upgrades in more than 30 years, meaning the facelift the MOSAiC campaign will provide is certainly needed. 

“To say the museum is outdated is being polite,” she said with a laugh. 

But soon, Candler and her fellow board members will not have to be polite about the structure. They will simply be proud. Under the MOSAiC campaign, the museum will become a more open, interpretive space, with heat and air conditioning, and more of the treasured historic items currently held in storage on display. Once complete, the MOSAiC will provide an extension of the classroom for students of any ages, sparking an inspiration for guests and inviting them to become ambassadors for the island and protectors of its past, present and future. 

“I am really excited about this,” Candler said. “This renovation is no longer something on a wish list. It is happening. It is in the working stages now and we hope to break ground soon. Serving on the board has and continues to be an incredible opportunity to support Jekyll Island, and the MOSAiC Project is a reflection of the people’s passion for this island. As my daddy would say, “We’ve all got a story to tell.” Now, on Jekyll, we can tell that story with a renewed sense of pride. 

When not pursing her passions on Jekyll, Candler spends her time exploring nature, reading, playing tennis, sewing and participating in the Southeastern Flower Show, among a host of other community endeavors. She lives in Atlanta, where she is married to Samuel Candler, and they have three children and five grandchildren.

America the Beautiful

I grew up in Arizona. Anyone who has been out west, especially the southwest, knows … IT. IS. HOT! Some would say, “Well, it’s a dry heat.” Let’s face it, heat is heat, dry or humid. In Arizona, we are accustomed to an arid climate, patches of grass that are mostly reserved for golf courses, football and baseball fields, swimming for three-quarters of the year, and no daylight savings – I like those parts. My growing up years were filled with instruction on wildlife and vegetation adapted to flourish in that climate, the Gila monster and saguaro cactus are perfect examples. We were culturally educated on the wild west, gunslingers, tumbleweeds, the gold rush, and the Grand Canyon. Even the landscape is a different color, mostly reds and browns – very subdued – with spots of cactus blooms here and there.

Since moving to southeast Georgia nearly 17 years ago, I have acclimated to another world – a humid one. Southeast Georgia’s coast is gently tucked along the eastern seaboard. With many small and large bodies of water – including the ocean – everything is GREEN! Nature flourishes, plants display rainbows of varying shades and tones, the marshes turn a slight tan in the winter and a beautiful green in spring – I like that part. Even the wildlife, both land and sea, get into the action, singing, jumping, grazing, and of course proliferating. No matter where you are, activity is evident.

Yes, these are two different worlds – west coast and east coast – yet both are part of our great nation, America the Beautiful! As Memorial Day and Independence Day draw near, may I encourage you to ponder these celebrations unique to our country. Memorial Day (originally Decoration Day in the late 1800s) honors men and women who died while in military service to our country. Independence Day commemorates the day our forefathers declared independence from the British Empire. How thankful I am to those who paved the way for the freedoms we enjoy today. How thankful I am to travel from one side of our country to another with ease. How thankful I am to view the plains, prairies, towns and cities of our nation as ONE. There is no other country like the United States of America.

Of all of the places I’ve lived, this is the place I now call home – the Golden Isles. As you plan your summer, consider a trip to southeast Georgia, where Jekyll Island is poised to provide relaxation or activity, whichever you prefer. Take in the nature, experience the history, ride the bike trails, or simply lie on the beach. That is the beauty of Jekyll Island. Hope to see you soon!

Dion Davis