By Stephanie Long
Mosaic Museum Manager
A stroll through a museum is often accompanied by the voices of school children on a field trip. With the opening of Mosaic, The Jekyll Island Museum, the education staff has been working on creating new field trip experiences for students coming to Jekyll Island. Educators identified over 130 Social Studies and English Language Arts Georgia Standards of Excellence that serve as the basis for the programs now being offered to schools.
The opening of Mosaic provides new opportunities to host school groups. Students are invited to engage with educators and tour guides in the new exhibit gallery, exploring the natural and cultural history and environment of Jekyll Island, from prehistory to today. The interactive exhibits like the virtual Red Bug, the Eagle’s Nest, and the Magic Mirror have been quite popular with students of all ages. The Tack Room classroom allows for accommodation of larger school groups with more room for hands-on activities. Capacity will be further increased by the completion of the outdoor education space directly behind the building.
Field trips also include the chance to explore one of the cottages in the historic district while learning about the history of the families who lived and worked in them, what they ate, how they used the land, and more. Students will explore differing points of view on prominent members of the Jekyll Island Club, contrasting their lives with others from the same era. Each 90-minute encounter covers various Georgia Standards of Excellence, encompassing kindergarten to high school.
Recently, school tour information was disbursed to area teachers. Mosaic staff received several immediate responses from teachers enthusiastic about bringing their students to Jekyll. As a friend of Jekyll Island, if you know a teacher, class, or student group that would benefit from a trip to Mosaic, please contact educator Emma Smith at or (912) 689-9294 for more information. Tours may be customized to focus on particular subjects and/or to complement existing lessons. To schedule a field trip, please call the group tours desk at (912) 635-4168.
Historic Preservation and Conservation staff are grateful for the generous funding provided by donors of the Jekyll Island Foundation to support new curriculum development for the museum. To build on Mosaic by continuing to add new and exciting features the Foundation welcomes you to GIVE NOW and keep the Mosaic momentum going.